Mental Health Awareness Month Realignment
Welcome to Ma’at’s 31-Day May Mental Health Awareness Month Challenge! Each day, we encourage you to perform an act of self-care or mental health. This challenge is all about celebrating the diversity of mental health care and showing that even the smallest actions can make a significant difference in our overall well-being. Let's get started!
Day 1: Write down three things you're grateful for today.
Day 2: Spend 10 minutes meditating or practicing deep breathing.
Day 3: Try a new hairstyle or wear an outfit that makes you feel confident.
Day 4: Take a 30-minute walk in nature.
Day 5: Perform a random act of kindness.
Day 6: Create a playlist of songs that uplift your mood.
Day 7: Unplug from all digital devices for an hour before bed.
Day 8: Try a new healthy recipe.
Day 9: Journal about your feelings and thoughts.
Day 10: Do a mini declutter session in your living space.
Day 11: Practice saying no to something that doesn't serve you.
Day 12: Compliment yourself and mean it.
Day 13: Have a DIY spa day at home.
Day 14: Reflect on your achievements and write them down.
Day 15: Spend quality time with a loved one.
Day 16: Read a book or a chapter from a genre you usually wouldn't.
Day 17: Try a new form of exercise.
Day 18: Share your story or a positive message about mental health.
Day 19: Paint, draw, or engage in a craft.
Day 20: Watch a sunrise or sunset.
Day 21: Try a new relaxation technique (e.g., aromatherapy, ASMR, tai chi).
Day 22: Dedicate an evening to self-reflection.
Day 23: Set a new goal and plan your first step towards it.
Day 24: Give yourself a compliment for each meal of the day.
Day 25: Identify and write down your personal boundaries.
Day 26: Take a social media detox day.
Day 27: Learn something new (a language, skill, recipe, etc.).
Day 28: Organize a small area of your home or workspace.
Day 29: Reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a while.
Day 30: Plan a day full of your favorite activities.
Day 31: Reflect on the past month and write down how this challenge has impacted you.